Documenting Ukraine Grant Application Form 2024

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Submissions for this form are closed.

We are now accepting applications for Documenting Ukraine grants. These one-time grants of EUR 5,000 enable Ukrainian intellectuals and creative professionals to work on documentation projects that establish and preserve a factual record—whether through reporting, gathering published source material, collecting oral testimony, or other means—or bring meaning to events through artistic interpretation and intellectual reflection.

Applications must be submitted through the IWM's online application form; we will be unable to consider applications sent via email. The preferred language for the application is English. However, Ukrainian applications are also accepted.

Application materials consist of:

  • Project abstract (max. 1000 characters) that succinctly describes the project, entered directly into the form below
  • Letter of motivation (1-2 pages) that addresses the project’s significance and how it relates to the mission of Documenting Ukraine
  • Project description (1-3 pages) including planned activities, information about who will be carrying out the project and their qualifications, and the desired outcome
  • CV
  • Contact details of one reference person who is familiar with your work and can speak to its suitability for Documenting Ukraine

Important! Attached documents (letter of motivation, project description, and CV) must be combined into a single PDF, as the online submission form only allows for one attachment. File names of attachments must use Latin characters, not Cyrillic.

If you have video files to share as part of your application, you will need to upload them to a video sharing site and include the link in your application. Please make sure that file permissions for any shared materials allow the jury to access them, including (where applicable) providing passwords in your application materials. The jury will be unable to take any materials they cannot easily access into consideration when reviewing your submission.  

Please note: If you, another member of your organization, or a project you are part of has previously received funding from Documenting Ukraine, repeat funding is now possible on a competitive basis; in this application cycle, a maximum of 30 repeat grants can be awarded. Please ensure that your project description clearly addresses your results so far and how additional funding will enable you to further develop the project. Please also note that repeat grants are only open to those people, organizations, and projects that have received ONE previous grant; those who have already received two grants are not eligible.

In case of any ambiguity, we have provided answers to the most frequently asked questions in English and Ukrainian.

Applications are due 19 August 2024 at 23:59 Vienna time (UTC+1:00). Candidates will be informed of the outcome of their application by early November 2024. Please check your spam mailbox regularly if you have not received an email from us. Please note that due to the high volume of applications, we are unable to respond to emails requesting information on the application status and are not able to provide applicants with individual feedback on their applications. 

Data Processing in the context of an Application for a Fellowship